North East Aircraft Museum (Sunderland)18
Videos, Pictures & Comments

compass paranormal investigation, north east air museum, compass on top of hurricane engine,this is from a crash site near the museum, pilot was flight sergeant shaw paranormal investigation, north east air museum, compass on top of hurricane engine,this is from a crash site near the museum, pilot was flight sergeant shaw

1st of 2 pictures caught at The North East Aircraft Museum last night These are 2 Full apparitions caught on camera by 2 of our guests, 2 different phones too

awesome venue

Hi guys! A bit late to the party, writing my review of the North east aircraft museum last weekend!! But better late than never 🙂 When we got the venue, we split into 2 groups and coveted half of the sites each. So three hangers on one side, and 2 handgers and tbe museum on the other. Both groups had very active first halfs. Group 2: we started the evening with the spirit box and got plenty of consistant names- the first of which being Stephen who said he was ten and touched the cat ball on command, but not too long afterwards another voice came through and warned us to be careful of Stephen and not too long after that the first stone was thrown at us. The dog was also seen in the first hanger, lying at the far side of the room by multiple groups members. As we exited the first hanger to go into the second one, we passed the outside plane and we all heard what sounded like three small stones being dropped onto the wings. In the second hanger, the voices on the spirit box became more aggressive. We got what sounded like German coming through and lots of repetitive swearing, which is incredibly compelling evidence to receive on the spirit book as it uses radio frequencies and of course, there is no swearing on the radio, so how could a sceptic say this is interference. Stones were thrown three more times in this hanger, landing close to where we were stood and getting larger and members of the group could smell 40s hair gel. We didnt get any more stones in third hanger, but more talking on the spirit box, and the smell of smoke coming and going. We got more names and some light activity on the k2s, with lots of responsive talking still coming through on the spirit box. Second half was definitely not as active for us, but got steady responses, occasional cat ball activity, cold spots and smell. Group 1, had a very active first half, with not so much in the second half. We have some amazing intelligent responses in hanger one with the cat balls. A member of the team had seen a known spirit to the venue, a dog, down the far end of the hanger, so we headed down there to see if we could get some evidence of this. Our questions received intelligent responses through the talking evp and when we rolled out cat ball down to play fetch with the spirit of the dog, we had play and gunner on it which we believe is the name of the dog spirit and the cat ball lighting up as if being played with. In the hanger containing the busses and trams, we got lots of activity on the cat balls but mainly on the K2/EMF from an intelligent child spirit Jacob. The only emf readings we got throughout the whole building were intelligent responses which is incredibly compelling. We didnt have much spirit box activity but we had something unexplainable in almost every part of the museum. What an awesome venue. Phoebe